Waves of Strength: Changing Lives through Surf Therapy Events
Rebecca Parsons

Waves of Strength’s mission is to empower kids who are disadvantaged through the experience of surfing.


Standout Features of the TANDM SURF boards
body board bodyboard boogie boogie board boogie boarding features surf tandem Tandem Bodyboarding tandem boogie tandem fun tandem surf

Standout Features of the TANDM SURF boards

By Rebecca Parsons

For us good, isn't good enough. Our boards include state of the art features that set them aside from the rest.

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Behind the Scenes: Our Shark Tank Story
body body board bodyboard bodyboarding boogie boogie board boogie boarding ocean shark tank surf tandem Tandem Bodyboarding tandem boogie tandem fun tandem surf tandem surfing tandm boogie tandm surf

Behind the Scenes: Our Shark Tank Story

By Rebecca Parsons

A behind the scenes look at our Shark Tank experience.

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